Conversations-Intro/ Game Night

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! FREE PIZZA THIS WEEK! We will give an introduction to Campus Ministry, the student committees will give an...

Conversations-Attributes of God 1

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! Nate and Cassie are leading Part 1 of our Discussion on the Attributes of God.

Conversations-Attributes of God 2

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! This week, Lauren, Mallory, and Mariah will lead part 2 of our conversation on the Attributes of God.

Conversations- Relationships: Friendship

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! This week we start Part 1 of our series on Relationship. This week, Evie and Hailee will lead...

Conversations- Relationships: Singleness

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! Part 2 of our Relationship Series. Austi and Brayden, lead a conversation on Singleness.

Conversations- Relationships: Romantic

PFW Main Campus- WU G-08

*PLEASE NOTE WE WILL BE AT A NEW LOCATION THIS WEEK! Find us in the basement behind the dining commons, in WU G-08.* Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll...

Conversations- Goodwill Fashion Show

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! This is an "off" week for us so we will not have our typical discussion based format. Join...

Conversations- Sermon on the Mount 1

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! This week we start a new series on the Sermon on the Mount. Join us as Lauren and...

Conversations- Sermon on the Mount 2

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! Mallory and Nate lead us in part 2 of our conversation about the Sermon on the Mount.

Conversations- Sermon on the Mount 3

PFW Main Campus- WU G-08

**Please note, new location this week! Find us on the ground floor of Walb behind the dining commons in G-08.** Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and...

Conversations- Easter Egg Painting

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! Another "off" week for us. Join us for a chill night of hanging out and painting Easter Eggs.

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