Conversations: Back 2 Basics

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! This week, Josh and Logan will lead us in a discussion about the basics of the Christian faith....

Conversations: The Science of Scripture

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! Can we believe the Bible? Do Science and Scripture collide? Is there any evidence that God exists? This...

Conversations: Ministering to Muslims

PFW Main Campus- WU G-08

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! This week, we have a special guest: Dr. Jamil Sadiq who will be joining us. He was born...

Harvest Hoedown

PFW Visual Arts Amphitheater

We will take a break from Conversations this week for a good ol' fashion barn dance! We have some fall snacks and, of course, some dancing. Don't worry if you...

Conversations: What is Prayer

PFW Main Campus- WU G-08

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! This week, Hailee and Nick will lead us in a discussion about what prayer really is and why...

Conversations: Evangelism

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! This week, Mallory and Halle will be sharing with us about spreading the Good News! Room G08 is...

Conversations: Spiritual Warfare

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! We have a special guest joining us this week: Dr. Ben Gates. Dr. Gates is the form director...

Crush Hunger Can Drive

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Taking a break from our normal programming for our second annual canned food drive. Wear a costume and we will head out into a local neighborhood to collect non-perishable food...

Conversations: “I Am…” Pt. 1

PFW Main Campus- WU G-08

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! Jesus used the term, "I am..." seven times in scripture. Join us as Brayden and Mallory lead us...

Conversations: “I Am…” Pt. 2

PFW Main Campus- WU G-08

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! Jesus used the term, "I am..." seven times in scripture. Join us as Brayden and Nick lead us...

Conversations: Friendsgiving

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! Location and Details TBD.

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