Tent Event
PFW Main Campus- Science Mall 2101E. Coliseum Blvd., Fort Wayne, INJoin us in the center of the PFW Campus for 12 hours of prayer in worship at the tent! We have several local churches as well as partnering with several...
Join us in the center of the PFW Campus for 12 hours of prayer in worship at the tent! We have several local churches as well as partnering with several...
Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! Part 2 of our "How To:" Series. This week we will have special guest Brain Clay a Financial...
Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! Part 3 of our "How To:" series. Wilder and Ashlyn will be sharing about rest, rhythms, and sabbath.
Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! Wrapping up our "How To:" series with Part 4: Boundaries. Izzy and Evie will lead the discussion about...
Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! We spent the last month discussing how to do a lot of things, but you may have some...
Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! We are taking a break from our regularly scheduled programming for some good ol' fashioned fun down on...
Kick back and spend the weekend getting to know some of the best people on campus! More details and sign up will be up soon! Add it to the calendar!
Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! Pricilla and AY will be leading the discussion about what is faith and what it means to have...
Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! As a Christ-Follower life is not always what we hoped it would be and sometimes it seems like...
Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! Not everyone gets to have a great meal with their family around Thanksgiving, but this is your chance...
Enjoy your time off, just a few weeks left in the semester!
Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! We have a special treat as we finish out the semester. Join us for a night of music...