Conversations-What is Church?

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! This week, Austi and Halle, will share with us about Church. What is it? Do we need it?...

Conversations- Easter Special

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! This week, Josh will be sharing with us the true meaning of Easter and what it means for...

Conversations- Got Questions?

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! Got Questions? We got answers! (Hopefully) Join us for a panel discussion composed of students, pastors, and community...

Conversations-Can you KNOW God?

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! Many see 'religion' as a set of rules and regulations, while a lot of Christians see faith as...

Conversations- (Dead Week) Senior Night/Game Night

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! You need a study break! Put the books down for a couple hours, grab a snack, and hang...

Conversations- No Programming

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! Good luck on your finals! Hopefully, we see you this summer. We are getting ready for the fall...

Conversations- The Greatest Love Story

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! This week we are talking about the greatest love story ever told! We are also giving away free...

Conversations- How To: Study the Bible

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! This week Josh and Lauren are kicking off our "How To:" series with how to study the Bible....

Conversations- How To: Manage Finances Biblically

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! Part 2 of our "How To:" Series. This week we will have special guest Brain Clay a Financial...

Conversations- How To: Rest in the Lord

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! Part 3 of our "How To:" series. Wilder and Ashlyn will be sharing about rest, rhythms, and sabbath.

Conversations- How To: Set Boundaries

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! Wrapping up our "How To:" series with Part 4: Boundaries. Izzy and Evie will lead the discussion about...

Conversations-No Stupid Questions

PFW Main Campus- WU222 2101 E Coliseum Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN

Our weekly, discussion-based large group meeting. We'll have snacks and great conversations! We spent the last month discussing how to do a lot of things, but you may have some...

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